Relationship Toolkit
Dear Friend
I wanted to show my appreciation to you, as a member of my mailing list, for your interest in Redesigning Relationships. I am excited to share with you some of the practices that I have found useful in my work with couples and which I hope might help you, should you need it, to begin to give your relationship a reboot!
Over the years, I have found that even a small shift in perspective can make a tremendous difference. Helping couples to turn their focus to redesigning their relationship from redesigning each other can open a world of possibilities. Couples will join together to change the dynamic of their relationship – and find new possibilities for moving forward happily.
Now for the first time I am offering Redesigning Relationships Basics, which will provide you with some of the techniques to get started making positive changes in your relationship. In this first installment, I offer up the Tools for the Top Ten Couples’ Conversations. In future months, I’ll share with you subsequent installments of Redesigning Relationship Basics which, I hope, will help you to gain the insight to transition to new ways of engaging: from volatility to versatility, from distance to connection, and from avoidance to intimacy.
Should you have any questions or comments on the content, please feel free to reach out to me. I would love to hear your feedback on how applying the Redesigning Relationship Basics has impacted your relationship.
Thanks again for your continued interest in my work.
All best,